Monday, January 31, 2011

Sketches!!!!Olympic Summer Games in DUBLIN 2020!!!


  1. I really like the ones in 3, I like how the shapes intertwine with each other giving the icon a different look.... i like the first choice in how you set the name and the year together... i think it makes it flow better.

    Natalie Kaldjian

  2. i likehow you incorporated the style of dublin and its traditions into each sketch. my favorite one would have to be 2 and 3, because it shows dynamic shaped which makes it acceptable. keep up the good work!

    Stephen Miyazawa

  3. Overall I like the quality of the sketches, really good color studies. I think that number 2 is the strongest sketch you have, but I also enjoy looking at number 8, but the year 2020 on number 8 could be clearer. Also number 5 can also be great if the green box is a crest like number 6.

    Ngoc Nguyen

  4. I like the 3 logo because of the celtic looking design which just feels irish and is understandable. I prefer the one on the right because of the type and how it feels balanced.

  5. I really like number 3 and number 10, I think you did a beautiful job with those. They are so clean and well done. Good job!

    -Astrid Roman
