Thursday, February 3, 2011



  1. I like box #9's image, and #1's letter treatment. If those two were combined somehow i think it would work great. The shamrock mark helps communicate the city's heritage, yet i feel there are more symbols to use which can also communicate just as well or better.

  2. I like the #1 because of the way it feels more balanced. In the other ones I don't really like how the year 2020 is touching the word dublin, it creates too much tension as I'm looking at it.

  3. The concept of the icon on #9 is great, I think the four leaf clover works great as a replacement for variety. I also think that #1 works also, having the name of the city and the year together makes it an easier read.

  4. I also think #1 is strong...the logo itself seems to be floating a bit though. I would also play with varying the sizes of each "pedal" to create more movement.

